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                     How to Purchase a Home

                     in the Fair Oaks EcoHousing Community

Becoming a member is a self-selecting process. We allow people as much time as they need in order to decide whether or not cohousing is right for them. Start finding out by taking the brief questionnaire linked below. If you can answer "yes" to 10 or more questions, you would likely be a match.

We provide opportunities to explore the idea and get to know current members of the group. Call us and we can answer your questions, and come meet us.

How to Join: Project

Ready to Find out More About the Community?


We encourage you to do some or all of the following activities to get to know us:

* Browse this website to find out more about our vision and values, our members, and the community’s design.

* Attend an introductory tour to see the property and talk with some of our members and see the property. 

* Attend a community potluck or social gathering to get to know us.

* If you plan to get a mortgage, you may contact our project mortgage broker to explore your loan options. He can follow up with a letter of pre-qualification.
Tony Shira, 5th Street Financial Inc.
Luann Scally is Tony’s assistant, and can help you.
Office (707) 591-0573, Fax (707) 591-0576

* Wondering what  your current house might sell for? Contact your realtor. They can help you find comparable sales and plan for how and when to consider selling your home.

* Worried about downsizing and how you’re going to get rid of all the stuff: Take a look at the book: Rightsizing Your Life by Ciji Ware.

* Any one of the current community members would be glad to schedule a “coffee” to help you think through whether this might be the special neighborhood for you.

Ready to Buy a  Home?

* Contact Marty Maskall at 916-967-2472  to see if any homes are available.  Homes are purchased directly from the current homeowner.

* Work with the community members to get answers to your questions and review the community’s documents of interest to you.. 


* If your preferred home is not available, you can request to be added to the Interest List.  There is no charge.

How to Join: Project
How to Join: Project


A Family-Friendly Green Neighborhood

4025 New York Ave, Fair Oaks, CA 95628

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